Muscat's getting its own Comic Con

I was quite surprised to see this the other day, it seems that Oman will be getting it's very own Comic Con at the end of this year, in the as-yet still unfinished Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre. The date for the Comic Con is the weekend of 9th and 10th of December (2016), and tickets will cost RO 10 on the door... or if you pre-order them before 1st November, they will cost RO 8 (per day).

If you're keen on your Super Mario or Final Fantasy etc... then this is something to look forward to!

You can register your interest (and desire for early bird tickets) by heading over to IGN's website and filling in their registration form.

Now, go forth and prosper...

le fin.
Muscat's getting its own Comic Con Muscat's getting its own Comic Con Reviewed by Sythe on Thursday, April 21, 2016 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. My little sister will be like.... "grrrr, why didn't Oman have that when I had to live there?"
    :) :XD


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