New store open, and TGI Fridays opening date announced.


A fellow local blogger, Happily Married to a Biker, has recently blogged about the opening of a new store, USF. It's now open at the Zakher Mall, above the Omantel offices on the 1st floor (or 2nd floor if your from North America). The store has all sorts of clothes, bags and shoes for ladies looking for something a little different than the normal stuff carried in the large chain stores here. The opening times are 10-1 and 4-8 - go and check it out!

And a little update on TGI Fridays - They have announced on their Facebook group - opening on Thursday 15th September. Perhaps I'll see you there...

Enjoy the weekend!

le fin.
New store open, and TGI Fridays opening date announced. New store open, and TGI Fridays opening date announced. Reviewed by Sythe on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. Hi, any idea where TGIF will be located?


  2. Oh great another chain....

  3. TGIF located at Alkhuwair beside City Season Hotel...

  4. The new store of TGI Fridays is up for opening, and this is exciting news to foodies. Meanwhile, studying Environmental law dissertation topics allows one to delve into pressing legal issues, such as sustainability and climate change. The right topic in the field can make a tremendous difference in your research, thus contributing to future solutions.


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