Winner of Wednesday Roast at mOre Cafe, The Walk

It's Wednesday and that means it's time to announce some winners! First up is the winner for 2 Wednesday Roast lunches at mOre cafe.

"Lasty" was selected as the winner and was emailed yesterday with the news. We're still waiting for a response from this person, so we'll give them until tomorrow, and if they don't reply we'll pick a different winner!

The lunch deal is a pretty good one, it runs every Wednesday between Noon and 3pm, for RO 7.5 you get:

Chef's soup, A roasted meat dish (beef, chicken or lamb), roasted potatoes and Yorkshire puddings, roasted vegetables, home made gravy, a pasta dish, 3 different salads and ice cream.

Later today I'll be announcing the winners of Drake and Michael Bublé...

le fin.
Winner of Wednesday Roast at mOre Cafe, The Walk Winner of Wednesday Roast at mOre Cafe, The Walk Reviewed by Sythe on Wednesday, March 04, 2015 Rating: 5


  1. Divia - "Lasty" did:


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