Axel the Mustang

Alex, a good friend of mine is flogging his Mustang, and his advert was (I thought) so amusingly written I thought I'd share it with you all here. I don't take any responsibility at all for the car although I will add that it's never broken down while I've been in it! Also, if you want to win 1 of 2 pairs of "Preferred Seating" tickets to the Oman V Australia game on June 8th, then click here for more info (free to enter and I do not share your contact details with anyone, unless you win... so you can get the tickets)!

Here's the ad:

Axel, my 1998 V6 3.8-litre Ford Mustang, has been a faithful servant to me since I bought him in September 2009, but the time has come for us to part company as I seek new adventures - so I have decided to sell him.
There is no denying that Axel has had a hard life. Since he came into my possession I have replaced his computer and his gearbox, as well as the air-conditioning clutch twice. The nice men at East Arabia Motors in Wadi Kabir know me by name. The speedometer does not work either, but a good rule of thumb is that 5th gear at 2,000rpm = 100km/h. 
On the plus side, for a 14-year-old car that has done 145,418 miles, he is in remarkably good shape. The a/c works well, the engine ticks over well and runs nicely even in this heat and all the electrics work. Apart from the CD player, which has never worked. I have no idea why it's even in there.
Admin-wise, the car is insured and registered until April 2013, so all of the official stuff has been taken care of. The car still has a lot of get up and go - it's nice and quick, sounds great and is still a head turner for all the right reasons. I have mentioned all his flaws so Mr Sythe stays trouble-free legally. If you buy this and find other faults with the car, it's me you need to speak to, not him.
Finally, for a car this great I am looking for RO1,300. I am, of course, willing to negotiate. Maybe you want to pay more. If you want to get in touch about the car - or even just to say hi - then please call me on 99360486. All offers are considered, apart from the stupid ones. So go on, do something amazing today. Give Axel a home.

le fin.
Axel the Mustang Axel the Mustang Reviewed by Sythe on Monday, June 04, 2012 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. If only he was my signature shade of green I would buy out of love of the Mustang;)


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