More Free Tickets! Jay Sean & Shontelle!

The ticket masters are being kind to me at the moment, and I'm very pleased to open the competition to win 2 free VIP tickets to the Jay Sean / Shontelle concert being held at the InterCon gardens on Wednesday 9th November from 7:00 pm.

Tickets are still available and cost RO 20 for general admission of RO 40 for VIP admission. You can get more information from the Facebook event page here. Tickets can be purchased at OUA MQ branch, Bose store in Qurum City Centre and Al Ghazal pub at t'InterCon.

As always, all you have to do is email me at mrsythe [at] or leave a comment here - if you leave a comment please make sure there is a way for me to contact you should you win! I'll announce the winner next Tuesday evening!

Bon chance!

le fin.
More Free Tickets! Jay Sean & Shontelle! More Free Tickets! Jay Sean & Shontelle! Reviewed by Sythe on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. This is my first time to watch a concert in Oman. Having a tremendous strict father!!! Watta Hella!!! =))
    Poor me..

  2. Give me a chance to reduce my burden of work and make my weekend blast..MM

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  7. I don't know who either of them I should go :)

  8. Sign me up!

  9. Vijayalakshmi shettyOctober 30, 2011 at 5:02 PM

    I am in India Bangalore and it is raining heavily here. So sure you can expect rains in Muscat too. Happy eid and holidays.

  10. Wants to go!!!

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