As the month of October draws to a close, so does the world wide focus on breast cancer month. Tomorrow at 4pm there is a walk to help raise funds and show support being held at Qurum Natural Park. It is a 2km walk and you need to register in advance - either at or by calling 800 77477. Your donation of RO 3.5 will go a long way towards continued support for those who suffer from breast cancer.
You should do it!
Also, in partnership with the grand Hyatt, there is a "Pink Tea" on Wednesday 30th October being held in the main lobby area at the hotel. A portion of the proceeds go towards the campaign and it runs from 3pm until 8pm - RO 8.800 per person
That's all, more soon.
le fin
Oman Cancer Association events
Reviewed by Sythe
Monday, October 28, 2013

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