Alive Entertainment and Hi FM are at it AGAIN! It's been a busy month for announcements, and there are more on the way in the near future too.... but this one is a great gig that I can't wait to go to:
Chris Tucker is live in Muscat for 1 night only from 8pm on Monday 4th March at the City Amphitheatre (which is the one by Mumtaz Mahal / Left Bank). It's an 18+ only event, and tickets come in 4 tiers - RO 25/35/45/55 depending on how close to the stage you want to be.
Tickets go on sale this Monday at the Bose store in QCC, HI FM in MGM, MacKenzies in MSQ and ConneXions in MCC.
Stay tuned for more information!
le fin.
Chris Tucker live in Muscat 4th March
Reviewed by Sythe
Saturday, February 16, 2013

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