Some numbers!

Today my Facebook group for this blog hit a new milestone - 1500 "likes". Ok so I like my own group so I guess it's technically 1499 of you have "liked" the group, perhaps that will be at 1500 by the end of the day :)

Honestly I didn't think the group would even get to 250 likes, let alone 1500 - so thats awesome that so many of you have taken the time to "like" my mutterings. I started this blog on the 26th July 2009 and here we are, nearly 3 years later and at the time of writing, there have been 561,799 hits on the blog, with monthly traffic currently around the 40,000 hits mark.

I've been pretty lazy with my writing lately, so I'll have to get back on the blogging wagon again!

More soon!

le fin.
Some numbers! Some numbers! Reviewed by Sythe on Saturday, April 21, 2012 Rating: 5


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mabrooks...
    Oh look, first comment

  3. Love your blog as it keeps me in touch with events back home and stimulates the old grey cells occasionally - ha ha ha

    Aziza Al Busaidy

  4. Well done! Your blog had certainly inspired alot of people. I've started reading your blog even before I even came to Oman.

  5. congratulations :-) hehehe i liked my own page too..., btw why dont u check out the Dried Lemon on FB and come to the Food Tasting Open House :-)

  6. Congratulations on some impressive stats, Sythe!
    Keep 'em coming!


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