123 Orion Winter Warmer - Win 2 free tickets!

This coming Thursday, 19th January, local band 123 Orion are playing in a charity event along with 3 other bands for the Sindbad Mobile Library which tours villages of Oman in order to promote literacy amongst children. The event is at the Royal Flight club from 7:30pm onwards. Tickets cost RO 6,and you can get some home made soup and snacks too.

To get tickets or find out more information, you can call Tess on 9952 5486 or Liz on 9231 6733

All you have to do to have a chance to win the pair of free tickets is to either leave a comment here, or email me at mrsythe [at] gmail.com - I'll announce the winners on Wednesday morning!

le fin!
123 Orion Winter Warmer - Win 2 free tickets! 123 Orion Winter Warmer - Win 2 free tickets! Reviewed by Sythe on Saturday, January 14, 2012 Rating: 5


  1. Good cause, Music, Food ....sounds great.

  2. I Just can't say no if i say 123 orion ..!!

  3. i really wanted to join this event...kashifadeel@gmail.com

  4. Please can I have two free tickets .......Its the first time and I want to be a part of this event. annetted9@gmail.com 95805368


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