Local spotlight: Animal Adoption & Fostering Group

Recently, it came to my attention that this local group, AAF, are participating in the PDO International Fayre being held this Friday 25th March. They will be selling baked goods to help raise money for their charitable cause, feel free to contact them to offer your baking services should you want to offer them!

Below is some information about AAF from Helen Ingram:

Animal Adoption and Fostering has been running for several years as a casual group of local and expatriate volunteers.  The main activity has always been rehoming as it is always the most pressing. We have rehomed over 700 dogs over the last 5 years and have paid for the treatment of many stray animals. All animals that are rehomed are neutered (a procedure to stop them breeding) and we have in the past run a program for the catch-neuter-release of stray cats.

AAF does not have premises and the long term aim is to become recognised as a Charity/Society allowing us to raise funds for an Animal Rescue Centre. We try to place as many animals as possible into foster families as this is often the best stepping stone for animals to be rehomed. They become house trained and people friendly and therefore far easier to integrate into a permanent home. Foster families are few and far between and we are constantly trying to recruit anyone that is willing.

We get so many calls from residents that have issues with dogs or cats in their neighbourhood but we are unable to help due to limited funds and places to care for the animals. It is very sad at the moment having to turn down all the calls that still come through to us.

A sanctuary is really essential as it serves as a focal point and will allow us to serve the immediate need of stray and injured animals and will help serve as an education centre as well. Reducing the number of strays will help the residential community hugely. There are so many issues with stray dogs and cats that ranging from a general nuisance such as from cats in bins, to danger from packs of wild dogs. Many of the wild dogs that we see are actually pets or descendents of pets that have been thrown out or dumped. Having an avenue for dealing with these animals and programs to control the numbers would have a huge positive impact on this problem. These programmes do take time but we are not trying to reinvent the wheel - most other countries in the world run such programmes very successfully. Getting the stray dog population under control using humane methods will benefit both the animals and the community.

Below, meet three of AAF's rescued dogs that are up for adoption, if you are interested please contact the AAF here.


Local spotlight: Animal Adoption & Fostering Group Local spotlight: Animal Adoption & Fostering Group Reviewed by Sythe on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. Thanks for the post highlighting such a serious issue! This is the website of the group http://animalrehomingoman.weebly.com/ and we have actually adopted the sweetheart on the banner of the homepage! We named him Oscar and now he is a happy, hyper puppy- which really goes to show how much a warm loving home can bring to an adandoned dog!

  2. I have great respect and admiration for these nice people. There should be more of you on this planet!

  3. keep up the good work AAF, it's so frustrating waiting for official recognition as a charity.Thanks to their tireless efforts and compassion over the years, many many bin dogs & cats have been rescued, received medical treatment & been rehomed, BUT there are MANY that can not be helped due to lack of funding & facilities, morever, lack of understanding the problem. Oman needs to acknowledge this and open an animal shelter and give funding NOW.

  4. Thanks for the heads up in this. If I am over that way I'll make sure to buy some goodies for the cause. I already have enough pets (someone just tricked me into keeping a runnover kitten) and no one wants my baking lol, but this is such a great sounding charity.

  5. Sorry this Group is a joke
    Money should go Directly to helping the strays
    by neutering then less strays would need a home ! I know of know neuter and release progam !
    The UAE have done wonders .........all down to the right kind of people , They keep dogs for years here hoping they will get a home.
    Its stressful for these poor dogs and cats caged up for months on end .
    And This is where the money goes ! They should concentrate on pet passport then just MAYBE expats won,t dunp their pets.

  6. I have asked for help many a time from this group
    They can never help they do not have the facilitys
    I see the same dogs and cats on the advert from years ago
    Please help me when i call you !

  7. Im a local
    i see the sad
    make operation so they have a better life

  8. Yes, the emphasis is on "casual group". There are dedicated animal rescuers in Muscat, just not in this group! Don't give people false hope AAF!

  9. I don't think we are giving anyone 'false hope' - it is made very clear the struggles that face ANYONE trying to help abandoned and stray animals in Muscat.
    for the anonymous poster who thinks we are a joke and wants donations directed to different ways of assisting the animals, do please drop us an email and we will share our accounts with you so you can see exactly where and how we spend the donations that we get.

  10. Re the post by anonymous .
    But in defence they don,t want donations directed to different ways of helping the stays they seem to be saying spend it on a neutering progamme which makes sense.
    Good Luck

  11. Interesting comments and yes there are many dedicated Animal Rescue workers here in Muscat, but surely this is not the way forward, people should work together as a team, the animals are the most important and the topic of these comments after all, until people get together and talk and view their idea's and opinions and talk through what I can only see as being issue's, what chance is there.
    People do what they think is best and any help to any animal, whether feeding a stray cat or dog at the bin's or in your garden goes a long way in my opinion, but my main is Catch, Neuter and Release, it is the only way to reduce the breeding and the ONLY WAY forward and I totally agree with anonymous that Pet Passpots should be addressed, because after all most of the animals dumped are by Ex-Pats, which I am sure in most cases must be heart rendering for some owners but because of the cost of all involved with taking your pet's with you it is just not an option for some people,and to the person who know's nothing about a Catch, Neuter and Release Programme, there is a Programme that has been running for almost 5 years now, again funding is alway's an issue, but with the help of some very dedicated people, item's are donated and sold and somehow we get there.

  12. There's a puppy of about 4 months old in my neighbourhood In North Azaiba , she's a mixed breed but not sure of what , she's very friendly and if stays on the streets will die . i cant keep her cause i have a dog and live in a small home . Please if anyone can take her in and give her a home i'll be gratefull or if any adoption center would take her in and put her up for adoption ots be great . Email me : juode_t@yahoo.com if intersted .

  13. "Pets have this amazing way of teaching us to be present and enjoy each moment." How Does Simparica Trio Work


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